Family Hui presents ʻohana activities for keiki on Aloha at Home. These free activities are done by age groups and downloadable.
Baby 0-11 Months
These are Nurture Daily articles for Babies 1-11 months, for both families and service providers. Articles for other ages: All Ages, Toddler 1-3 years, Pre-Schooler 4-5 years, Grade-Schooler 6-10 years, Teens, and Parents. Please see articles for families with protective factors by clicking on the buttons for parental resilience, social support, understanding child development, concrete support, and social-emotional competence of children.
How Every Child Can Thrive by Five
Molly Wright is seven years old and is one of the youngest speakers for TED Talks. She asks us, what if a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Learn More About FASD & Join Support Groups. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an important, often unrecognized issue that is preventable.
Covid-19 Parental Resources
Information to families to help give a better understanding of how Covid-19 may be affecting their social, emotional and mental health.
Child Developmental Milestones in 10 Languages
It’s important to act early if you have concerns about your child’s behavior or development. These easily downloadable pdfs on child development are available in 10 languages.
Support for Foster Families in Hawaii
Family Programs Hawaii’s Resource Families Support Services provides support to resource caregivers, aka foster families, and providers in Hawaii.
Resources for Special Needs Children in Hawaii
SPIN provides latest information that is happening in Hawai’i to families and providers regarding educational service, healthcare, and more.
Covid-19 Resources for Families with Autism
Autism Speaks provides educational resources and support for families and providers with autism. Tools and resources are recommended by the Covid-19 Autism Research Community Task Force.
Bottle Feeding Your Baby
Not only is it about what they eat, it’s also about how they eat. It’s important to learn how to feed your baby to reduce the stress your baby may be experiencing.
How Much Should My Baby Sleep?
Newborns have shorter sleep cycles, but by the time they’re 3 months old, many infants develop a pattern to have longer patterns they’re awake and when they’re asleep.
Is Your Child a Picky Eater?
It’s important to provide a balanced diet for your family. Check out “Your Kids Table” for tips and printable recipes to try at home.
Feeding Your Child: Ages and Stages
Milestones for Feeding Your Child. As a parent, we want to feed in the right way for our child or children’s stage of development. Whether you have a newborn or a teenager, here are some basics for feeding your child at different ages and stages.
Support for New Parents in Hawaii
Breastfeeding and Support for New Parents in Hawaii. Nest For Families provides a network for local parents to connect with other families to get support for breastfeeding and any of the struggles new parents face. Get texts and phone calls to help you through your first years as a parent.
Healthy Boundaries For Your Child
Learn essential steps to teach your children about boundaries between themselves and others to make good choices and build strong relationships.
Parenting After Divorce
More often than not, co-parenting doesn’t work for divorced parents due to unresolved conflicts and/or lack of communication.
Breastfeeding Support
Resources for Breastfeeding Support.We have compiled a list of websites that have resources for breastfeeding including local milk banks and lactation supports in Hawaii.
Keiki Heroes Teach Kids How to Stay Safe During the Pandemic
Learn How to Keep Your Child Safe During the Pandemic.
Behavioral Health & Homelessness Resources for Providers During the Pandemic in Hawaii
A statewide unified response group has been created in Hawaii to address reducing the spread of COVID-19 among the homeless and behavioral health population and to provide resources for service providers.
Parallel Parenting
Co-parenting can be difficult when you have an uncooperative, combative, or a narcissistic ex-partner.
Is Your Parenting Style Different from Your Partner’s?
Having different parenting styles can confuse children, as they wonder whose side to take and what the rules are. Here are 8 tips to help parents with differing parenting styles.
Help Children Navigate Feelings with Emotion Coaching
Help Your Children Label Emotions with Words. Learn essential steps on being an emotion coaching parent by being aware of your children’s emotion and helping them express and deal with situations appropriately.
Keiki Safety Tips
Learn how to keep your children safe while they’re at home or while they’re traveling.
The Free Vroom App – Building Healthy Brains with Your Children
Use the free Vroom app to get tips on healthy brain development for your children from birth to age five.
Early Childhood Development Milestones
Learn about your child’s developmental milestones from birth to age five and how your child plays, learns, acts, speaks and moves.
Raising Healthy Kids with Very Well Family
Tips and information to help raise happy and healthy children at different stages of their development. Child development milestones
The Five Strengths for Healthy, Happy Families
Strengthen Your Family in Five Ways. All families benefit when they have these five strengths. Learn more about them and explore ways to build the strengths for your family.
Child Abuse Prevention Tip Sheets
Resources for Child Abuse Prevention. Tip sheets are designed for service providers to share with families. They help to provide a starting point for a discussion between parent and provider that is grounded in the protective factors.
Financial Income Supports for Families in Hawaii
Find information and support to help provide for your family in Hawaii. Financial security is an important aspect for nurturing households.
How You Can Help Someone Who is Being Abused or Neglected
What should I do if someone
is being abused or neglected? This tip sheet will provide you with more information about what child abuse and neglect is and what to do if you or a friend isn’t safe.
CSSP: Protective Factors Action Sheets
Action sheets to help strengthen families by promoting the five protective factors for your clients and families.
CDC: Essentials for Childhood Violence Prevention
Creating safe and nurturing environments for families are essential to healthy families.
CDC: Act Early
Every child grows and reaches milestones in their development. Track your child’s development and learn what to do if you have concerns.
Tips for Families: Coronavirus
Resources for Families During the Pandemic. Tips and information for families to help their children going through COVID.
Crisis Card
The crisis card has been developed for people who are going through a difficult time during this pandemic.
Family Partnership Guidelines for Early Childhood Settings
Early Learning Programs Including Home Visiting. These documents were created for providers to support building family engagement in their programs. They are focused on building healthy relationships.
Family Hui Hawaii: Embracing Your Journey as Your Child’s First Teacher
A child’s early learning years, prenatal to age 8, are a critical time of brain development where children build the foundations for success in life.
Articles by Age
Click on the ages below to see articles by age.
All Ages
Baby 0-11 months
Toddler 1-3 years
Pre-Schooler 4-5 years
Grade-Schooler 6-10 years
Articles by
Protective Factors
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AUW Helpline
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Parent Line
Call (808)526-1222 – Oahu
Call 1(800)816-1222 – Toll Free
Resources for parents on child behavior & development, parenting, caregiver suport & community resources. Closed on State and Federal holidays.
Monday -Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday – Sunday 9am-1pm

Hawaii CARES
(808)832-3100 – Oahu
All Islands, Toll Free
1(800)985-5990 Multilingual COVID-19 Emotional Distress
If you or a loved one is feeling anxious, has a crisis, thinking of suicide, or need access to mental health or substance use treatment, experiencing distress related to COVID-19 & other disasters, help is available. Visit Hawaii CARES.
Daily 24/7

Domestic Violence Action Center Help Lines
Call (808)531-3771 – Oahu
Call 1(800)690-6200 – Toll Free
Text 1(605)956-5680
If it is an emergency, please call 911. Domestic Violence Action Center provides information on ways to get help & answers to questions about domestic violence.
Call Monday -Friday 8am-5pm
Text 24/7