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These documents were created for providers to support building family engagement in their programs. They are focused on building healthy relationships.
Family Partnership Guidelines for Early Childhood Settings
The six key princlicples described in this document are aligned with the new Family / School Partnership Standards by the Hawaii department of Education and will hopefully result in shared expectations for famlies and staff across the P-3 continuum.
1. Family Partnership Guidelines for Home-Visiting Programs
Federal and State Administration, policy makers and other stakeholders are raising expectations that young children be school ready, and see home visiting as one of several strategies embedded in a quality early childhood system that promotes maternal and child health, safety and development, as well as strong partent-child relationships.
2. Quality Child Care for Registered Home-Based Providers
Welcoming Families & Speaking Up for Each Child:
The evidence is clear from more than two decades of research – children whose famlies are involved in their care and education experience greater success in school and in life.
Communicating Effectively & Supporting Success:
Families and providers engage in effective reciprocal ongoing communications to support the success of children in their care. Families and child care providers continuously partner to support learning and healthy development both at home and in the family child care.
Sharing Decision Making & Partnering with Community:
Educaiton policy makers and other stakeholders are raising expectations that young children be school ready, and that all students be prepared for careers, college and lifelong learning.